Don’t miss the VeganFest Indoor, from September 7th to 10th, 2013, at SANA in Bologna, with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and Commander Peter Hammarstedt, one of the leading figures in environmental activism who has decided to dedicate his life to protecting the planet and safeguarding the future of coming generations.
Peter Hammarstedt will share his experience within the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, an organization founded by Paul Watson that has been fighting for over 35 years to protect marine ecosystems. Peter is the young and heroic captain of the SSS Bob Barker, whose key intervention drove Japanese whalers away from the Whale Sanctuary before the end of the hunting season during the Antarctic Campaign “Operation Divine Wind” (during which 768 whales were saved) and was a crucial figure in the last “Operation Zero Tolerance” campaign, during which 932 whales were saved, and today swim freely in the oceans.
The Captain will join us on Tuesday, September 10th, and will take the main stage at VeganFest Indoor to talk about the many battles fought in defense of the Oceans and to receive the well-deserved “VeganOK Ocean Award 2013”. With this award, the VeganOK Network team wants to pay tribute to his heroic deeds and the victories of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
Reason: “To the international non-profit organization Sea Shepherd Conservation Society for its relentless activity in defense of cetaceans and biodiversity in the world’s oceans and its direct action against illegal Japanese whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, in the name of international law for the conservation and the principle of the sanctity of life.”
The VeganOK Network team and the Italian Vegan Association ONLUS organize the event. Vegusto Italia, the vegan company represented by Karin Ranzani and Raffaella Ravasso, is the official partner.
Anyone wishing to support or simply learn more about the organization’s activities is welcome at the permanent area dedicated to it. Throughout the duration of the VeganFest Indoor, from September 7th to 10th, an info point will be active, with a photo exhibition, video screenings, and official merchandise characterized by the unmistakable “Jolly Roger” logo.
Who is Peter Hammarstedt?
Born in Sweden in 1984 but raised in the United Kingdom, Peter Hammarstedt joined the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society upon reaching adulthood, as soon as he could apply for boarding.
From the Labrador Coast to the Antarctic continent, Peter has sailed the seven seas, trying to call the world to action. Over the years, he has helped save many lives from illegal whaling, hunting, and destructive fishing practices.
During his years with Sea Shepherd, Peter has removed kilometers of illegal nets, been held hostage by Ecuadorian fishermen, physically attacked by seal hunters, assaulted and arrested twice by the Canadian Coast Guard, and rammed by opposing ships.
Between campaigns, he completed a degree in Media and Communications at Stockholm University and actively participated in the Swedish Alliance for Animal Rights.
The meeting at the VeganFest Indoor in Bologna will be an unmissable opportunity to meet Peter and pay tribute to his tenacity and dedication to protecting the Oceans… You can’t miss it!
Photo Credit: Marianna Baldo/Sea Shepherd
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VeganOK Ocean Award to Peter Hammarstedt!
Don’t miss the VeganFest Indoor, from September 7th to 10th, 2013, at SANA in Bologna, with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and Commander Peter Hammarstedt, one of the leading figures in environmental activism who has decided to dedicate his life to protecting the planet and safeguarding the future of coming generations. Peter Hammarstedt will share […]